I walked today along the route of one of the many dry or
almost dry streams in the area. The map is full of blue lines, some full, some
broken, with the words ‘non-permanent water-course’ next to the symbol in the
legend. Many of them have not had water for many years. Some, in fact, are
barely visible on the ground, but are perfectly clear from satellite
photographs, and you wonder where the water has gone that once created these
great channels.

But there is a lot more to the path than a feeling. There
are little stone bridges where it winds back and forth across the water. There
are little cottages used by the men who have gardens there, as sheds are in
England, but some are bigger and become a place of refuge, especially during
the summer. Some are proper houses, two floors and whitewashed walls, and once
families would have lived there all year round, with the chickens and the dogs
and the pig in the corral. Now they are just summer dwellings, quiet, solitary
places which appeal to the owners who still grow crops on the old riverbed.
There is a ruined Moorish castle, little more than a square
turret, rising through the trees on a small hill near where you pick up the
main road again. I saw it once after very heavy rain had turned the hill into
an island, and you see the castle as it was intended to be, unreachable by
stealth, a safe place from which to keep an eye on the surrounding country.
There are a lot of them here.

And from there you are beside the lakes. You pass an
attractive hotel, tumbling down the rocks to the waterfront, dressed always in
freshly laundered white, accessorized tastefully in well-kept wood, and adorned
with dabs of red and green and gold in just the right places. You are back
among people, and can then choose to swim, row, take the sun or contemplate the
world at any point along the banks where you can find room.
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