Mrs Hickory came across this area by chance when she was
looking for somewhere we could go walking well away from Stockholm. There is a
large and beautiful system of lakes nearby, a lot of people have wooden cabins
there for holidays, and so we went for a couple of days to walk around. Cue
photographs of water and birds.

The river runs through the centre of what is only a small
town, really, and it divided and rejoins itself again to form a small island
called Large Island. It’s a matter of perspective, I suppose. The island and
the neighbouring banks are a park, a very green and pleasant one full of
unnecessary bridges and playgrounds and peculiar objects that were part of an
art exhibition. There is a castle on another little island next to it and this
was the view we had from our hotel room, which was across the river. It’s a conference
centre now and inside it looks like one, but it has an impressive presence from
without. A marauding band of brigands or disgruntled thane of lands to the
North would think twice about trying to take Orëbro.

And bicycles. There are a bicycles everywhere.
Huge numbers of bicycles. Just as in the other cities we saw, but in such a
small place the quantities are exaggeratedly large. Everywhere there are people
riding bikes, but also there are banks and hoards and rows and columns of bikes
parked by the dozen or the hundred on almost every corner and every widening of
every street, in racks intended for the purpose. The bikes are old-fashioned
and in most cases just old, with high wide handlebars, the people are not
dressed for cycling, they often look as though they are doing it for transport,
not pleasure, and despite the numbers on the streets, many of the parked bikes
have clearly not been moved for months or years.
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