I am a bad person. There are many people who wouldn’t
question that assertion, and a few who would, at least for the sake of form. I
can be friendly, sociable, generous, considerate, understanding, magnanimous, accommodating,
encouraging, optimistic, entertaining, and a number of other desirable things,
as long as there’s something in it for me and I have my instruction booklet
handy. On the other hand, I have been thinking impure thought about the Olympic

My impurity of thought has nothing to do with beach
volleyball or Yelena Isinbayeva; it is a deeper, less human impurity. More or
more I find myself hoping that they will be an abject, humiliating failure.
That they will be a crashing economic failure is taken as
read, these things always are. That there will be utter chaos in London for
weeks and a lifelong bill for the British taxpayer likewise. That the media
will be full of self-important officials and inarticulate has-beens telling us
(well, not me, I won’t be there) how to behave, and preening themselves over
how much of our (your) money they’ve managed to spend and how they deserve get
special traffic lanes and police protection and all the best seats that
everyone else will have to pay through the nose for, because they matter and
you don’t, is also a given. Such people are nothing to me, and don’t even
notice when they are laughed at and ignored. Only humiliation is good enough
for them.
The idea that they represent some kind of national pride or
symbolic unity is utterly risible, of course, a marketing notion invented for
the occasion, no more. It’s useful for getting people to put up with in and
persuading thousands of children to work for nothing in the preparation, but it
isn’t real.
But in most Olympic sports the Games are the highest prize
there is, the culmination of years of work and dreams. That for decades the event
has been organised purely for the glory of politicians and bureaucrats who care
nothing for the people who create the show is not their fault, and I desire
them no disappointment in the pursuit of those dreams or in the search for
reward for their labours. I once had sporting dreams and I won’t crush those of
On balance, therefore, I see that the Games are of great
importance to a lot of people, some of whom don’t deserve to be disappointed) and
they won’t affect me one way or the other, beyond providing a bit of
entertainment if I watch a bit of them, but, even so, a part of me, a part that
will not be excised, would love to see the music files get lost at the opening
ceremony, the terracing collapse on its foundations, the Zil lanes blocked by
broken down buses, empty stadiums, bored journalists called home by their stations
because no one was interested, the
right-on finding contradictory ways to denounce some aspect of the event, add
your own if you wish.
I know it would give me pleasure, even though it shouldn’t,
if it were a failure, and a lot of people deserve it to be.
Btw: when looking for the image that accompanies this post I
googled ‘Lisa Simpson blowjob’ (for reasons which I hope are obvious). I can
state without reservation that this is a bad idea.
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