Sunday, June 14, 2009

El Corpus

Today is the celebration of Corpus Christi. It used to be last Thursday (if you see what I mean) but the government has long refusd to give a holiday for it so the procession is on the nearest Sunday.

Here the procession takes the form of a giant monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament, paraded through the streets around the Cathedral on a kind of float. The ground in part of the route is decorated with the symbols of the Orders of Chivalry and a of some of the Holy Week fraternities. The photos show the carpets being prepared. To the left are some members of a local (and very good) folkdance society laying out designs in coloured sand. To the right is the work of a local youth group in the main square, in dyed wood shavings and half-baked flour (the white bits).

Before the procession the ground will also be strewn with thyme, which people pick up I might go out and take a shot of the procession itself later, but it depends on how the cricket goes.

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